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PAS128 Utility Mapping Survey

PAS128:2014 takes a structured approach to the survey methods used to undertake desktop utility record searches, detection and verification of underground utilities.

There are four survey categories identified, which represent the increasing amounts of effort required to obtain a greater level of detail and confidence in the final data provided. The four categories are as follows:

Survey Type D – Desktop Utility Records Search

Survey Type C – Site Reconnaissance

Survey Type B – Detection

Survey Type A – Verification


The team at 128Mapping would initially establish with the client the survey type(s) required and where these will be deployed. We will focus particularly on what the ultimate goal is of the scope and then advise appropriately on the best survey method and deliverable to achieve the end goals efficiently and to a high quality.

Everything ideally starts with a project consultation, which would allow us to develop an appropriate methodology for each area of the site or stage of the project. This allows distinct levels of survey to be specified at differing stages, or on different parts of the same site, in line with the requirements and complexity of any individual project e.g. there may be a requirement for a survey Type D for the whole site, a survey Type B in the road carriageways and a survey Type A at a specific location, where a potential design element has a possible conflict in a congested area.

Whilst some clients may be comfortable with specifying a complex PAS128 survey, others may require the advice of our experienced survey managers to properly define the best way to address the needs of a project.


​One of the main aims of our utilities surveys is to prevent asset strikes when digging on site. Obviously striking assets can be disastrous and extremely dangerous, GPR therefore is used to detect assets, map them out relative to a topographical survey and identify where assets are so they are not accidentally struck during the project.

PAS128 Utility Mapping Survey: Services

128Mapping Limited

Registered Office: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9JQ
Company Number 12828176

©2020 by 128Mapping Limited.

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